Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hello from the Johnsons!

Not quite your normal day in the Johnson household. I am battling a cold. I normal cycle for a first year teacher. Russ is taking care of me & spoiling me as always. :) I had the pleasure of having him drive me to work since it was his day off today. Today was the first in my book for being full of ups and downs. It was so nice to see him right away when he picked me up from school. 

We are really enjoying life though. :) Now we are just spending time at our cozy little apartment. Russ is working on a jig saw puzzle of the Sydney Opera House & Extreme Make Over Home Edition on the TV. I'm liking CMT more and more because they show EMOHE quite a bit. Every episode is so moving. It really hits home and makes me realize how fortunate we are. If you haven't watched an episode... you are missing out! You need to watch just one, and you will be hooked! 
Go watch one, it's on CMT right now! ;)

Look out side at the beautiful fall colors! Sometimes we can get caught up in the stress of everyday life... okay we get caught up in the stress a LOT. Look out side and see the beautiful fall colors and it will make you feel better. I was thinking about everything I had to do and I just took a quick look at the trees with all of the yellow, orange and red. My flute teacher told us to look at a tree once and I thought it was silly. But it really works. Take just one quick look before the colors are gone. :) Enjoy them while they are still here. Love you all, have a great fall day!!!!!  

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Happy Saturday, Friends! 
It's kind of a gloomy day in Missoula. There is a Griz game today, but the weather doesn't seem like it would be that enjoyable... unless you are a die hard Griz fan. While Russ is in the Marching Band, I am at the Scrapbook Hideaway. :)

I slept in a little bit before I had to go to work today. Russ left at about 8:30 and I didn't get out of bed until 9:15 or so. I rushed to get ready in hopes to get coffee at one of the Starbucks drive throughs. Of course, when I was approaching the location, the line was extremely long. Surprise, surprise. So, I went to Target so I could grab lunch and get coffee all in one stop. I ran into two people who I haven't talked to in a while. I wish I would have been able to visit with them more, but this was about 5 minutes before I had to be at the store. I did get here just in time though, with about 2 minutes to spare! :) Thankfully it has been slow and quiet today. I was able to enjoy my pumpkin spice late and make a few fall and Christmas cards. It is nice to have a little peace and quiet after a full week at school. 

In my last post I mentioned my list of three things to do.. well... I didn't do either. Sigh. I did listen to a conference call about how important it is to do my ten calls for my Mary Kay business and how you can make up the time, but you can't make up for what could have resulted from those ten phone calls. I was inspired... but I didn't do any of my phone calls. My loss. Yesterday, I did make my phone calls and a lot came from it! I made an excellent sale and 2 more bookings to add to my two from Tuesday. I finally have a Pro Pay Account, so I can take card transactions & have product shipped to my customers. My results from yesterday were very inspiring as well. :) 

Today after I get off work, and after the game, we're going to dinner and a movie with Dustin & Melissa Swalla! I am so excited! We haven't really spent any time with them since the wedding. I feel like having dinner at the Mustard Seed. Yum!! We're in for a good day for sure! I hope you have a good day as well and that you are enjoying the beautiful fall season! 

Much love, 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What to do...

Don't mind the silly title, I just wanted to write something today. Today, I will be writing something... and it will be about nothing. :-) It's amazing how much of our time is spent doing nothing. I should be doing my phone calls for Mary Kay... but I'm not... I should be looking at my lesson materials for tomorrow... but I'm not... I should be tackling the guest room & getting it together... but I'm not... okay... so this is really depressing. I hate it when motivation is lacking. :( Well, I guess now that I am depressed about what I am not doing... I'm going to do something on my list of 3. Thanks! Good day!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Middle of the Week

Such a nice Wednesday afternoon! I left school earlier than I normally do. Usually I stay after until about 1 or so, but today I left shortly after noon. I got home and had some left over Chicken Osaka while watching Remember the Titans. I'm relaxing for a little bit before I take a tuba to Music Medics and pay my cell bill. The rest of the day is free to spend time with Russ until Marching Band at 4. Maybe we could tackle the guest room/office?? Maybe... We are also hoping to get a couch next month... but sadly it's not looking that is going to happen. :( But who knows, we have half of the money saved up, so we will see what happens. :)

I just have to say that I am really enjoying this whole blogging thing. I don't know how many people read this, but it's just fun! It's a trend for sure. 

Next week is a short week, Monday-Wednesday and then it's off to music convention in Billings! I rarely go to Billings... let alone drive there... and my hotel a long ways away from the high school were the convention is taking place. So... this should be fun! I am so excited to see my friends who are music teachers all over the state the music teachers from Columbia Falls, where I student taught. It will be a fun trip out of town. On Saturday after convention, I have the Fall Advance for my Mary Kay unit. I'm really looking forward to that as well. Business is going alright... I'm not making very much right now, but I do have a lot of bookings. Ultimately, bookings are more important than sales. My sister-in-law hosted a party last night, and we all had so much fun! I met some of her amazing friends and they were so much fun to work with. I wasn't too fond of pink when I started in Mary Kay, but now I am. It is also way more than just a color, to me it stands for the company and all of the great things that happen through the company. 

I also cannot wait to start my car qualifications for Mary Kay! I'm a long ways away, but so much can happen in a short period of time. My goal is to have a pearly white Chevy Malibu, complements of Mary Kay, by March 8th (My birthday). Right now I am going through a series of steps to help grow my business to get to that point. I have earned many pieces of jewelry... a business card case... free product... and more jewelry to come! But, more importantly... I love meeting new people and making new friends! Having my own Mary Kay business is so rewarding in so many ways! 

School is going great as well. I love both of my jobs. :) This Saturday I will be working at the Scrapbook Hideaway! Come in and see me if you are that end of Reserve! 

Have a great rest of your day, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall weather! :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Christmas Card!

Football, Lesson plans, Starbucks & Scrapbooking

I love Sundays... 
We didn't make it to connections group or church. We decided to sleep in, because it was a long crazy week for the both of us. We did a little shopping this afternoon, which was a lot fun... and Russ had fun too! :-)
The Steelers won today!! They beat Tennessee 38 17! The Packers play tonight and Suzie will be over to watch the game. Yes... a Packers fan and a Steelers fan are existing in peace after the Super Bowl last year. :-)

I am going to do some lesson plans and finish correcting some tests today. Once I am done with that I am going to scrapbook! The topic of many of the posts on this blog. Well, it is going to be a good day! Enjoy your fall Sunday! 


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Love October...

What a wonderful October afternoon! The leaves are green, yellow, orange and red... it's so beautiful!! I love fall because of the colors! I also enjoyed a pumpkin spic late today after my Mary Kay skin care class. Unfortunately Russ left for work at 4:30 as I was in Starbucks ordering my coffee. We did spend the morning together though. He made cinnamon rolls and coffee. It was the first time in a while that we got to sleep in. It was so nice. It was great day! 

He is still at work and I am relaxing in our living room, watching MASH and making a calendar for the 2012. I love Shutterfly for this reason. You can make so many things on there that make for great gifts. My mom wants a photo book of our wedding. Just wait for Christmas, Mom! :-)

I had a very good day in my Mary Kay business. I'm working on getting my first free car... a pearly white Chevy Malibu... 
My goal is to have it on March 8th, my birthday :-) What an amazing birthday gift, huh? I'm loving both of my jobs. :-) Russ, sadly, has been losing hours each week. My goal is to pick up the pace in Mary Kay and make enough to supplement what hours he has lost at his job. It is completely do able. 

We have started a tradition that on Sundays we watch football and our friend Suzie comes over to watch with us. We have dinner, she does home work and I work on lesson plans. Russ... well, he mainly watches football... and or fixes dinner while Suzie and I work on school stuff. :) It is so much fun and productive at the same time. We also get to hang out with Suzie. It's great!! We love having people over for dinner and such. We are hoping to save enough money to get a couch that will add a lot to our living room. We found a 7 foot couch at the Living Room Furniture store for only $550. That may seem like a lot, but it will last a long time. AND to find a couch that is that long, where Russ can lay down with room to spare... that is a pretty good deal to me. Until then we have banana chairs and card tables. :)

Well, connections group & church tomorrow. First half of the week end was great, and I know the second half will be great too. For now, goodbye and God Bless! 

Mr. & Mrs. Johnson