Saturday, December 3, 2011

Griz Morning!

Griz Morning... well... afternoon! I just love saying Griz morning. While Russ is freezing in the stadium I am snuggled up at home watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets... with a cup of coffee... and blogging. Love it! As I teacher, I have really come to appreciate my Saturdays. I love sleeping in and getting out of bed at about 11/noon and lounging around in my pj's until I feel like getting ready for the day. I am really going to take advantage of it because this upcoming week is Holiday Program Practice week.... for all grades! Yow-sa!! It will be the typical hectic-ness off ALL school holiday programs, so let the pre-pampering begin! To top that off, I made $41 in sales in my Mary Kay business... with hardly doing any thing at all! 

Today is my Aunt Nanci's birthday! Happy birthday, Nanci! Love you!!! I talked to my Mom on facebook a little while ago and she was off to Nanci's birthday celebration. I wish I could be there! We are hoping to make it home for my brother's birthday/New Years. We are so excited, and really really wanting it to work out. A nice country New Years sounds so relaxing and well needed. 

Just recently I started a website for my photography. I've always had what I like to call a small passion for photography, and it has been growing little by little over time. Google has great web site layouts for this. I know I have talked about her a lot, but one of my friends has inspired me with her photography, Krysty Kay Whisman. She taken portraits for me off and on through out college. She also did our engagement photos and did a fantastic job on our wedding photos. I posted a couple of our engagement photos earlier in this blog, and all of them are on facebook. So, if you are looking for a photographer for a special event, she is your girl!! 
I feel that I really noticed this passion was when I took pictures for my cousin Cassie's wedding last summer. She got married in a beautiful park in Pullman WA on a nice summer day in August. I have always loved taking pictures, but never really trying to catch any thing, it was just fun to have a small point-and-shoot digital camera with photos that you could see instantly. I up loaded them on to a photo editing website and once I did just a little bit of editing, just to enhance them, I loved how they came to life. It was really neat to see how my random shots came out great and captured the memories better than I expected. As soon as the web site is ready I will post the link on here so you can check it out.

Have a Griz day! 


Friday, December 2, 2011

This week was crazy! I am just so thankful that it is Friday. I'm looking forward to the week end of getting caught up and relaxing... or would the two together be an oxymoron? Hmmmm.... Well, to end the week, after Russ gets off work we will be going out with some friends for a very late dinner. He got called in for a three hour shift, so I thought it would be a fun way to end a long week. We have a photo session this weekend so we can add some photos in with our Christmas letter. Yup, I'm writing a Christmas letter. :-) It should be good! 
I am really excited to get photos taken again, after our wedding. I know wedding pictures will make great Christmas cards, but I wanted something extra. The same wonderful photographer, Krysty Kay Whisman will be taking the photos this Sunday. :-) I'm so excited!! In case you haven't had the wonderful opportunity to look at her photography, here is a taste!

Krysty Kay Photography:

She is fantastic!! I will post the photos soon. :-) Enjoy your week end, everyone! 


Monday, November 28, 2011

Brick Wall....

Hello blog readers....
Today kind of felt like a brick wall hit me... in a way. I hate that feeling after a long break, and you get back to school thinking in your head that everything was going to be smooth, but it wasn't. Yes sir, it was not. Thankfully my music class went well.... I hope am getting through to my students.... am I? That is another uncomfortable feeling felt by many 1st year teachers. Am I really getting through to them? 

The break was nice, but I am already ready for Christmas! October and November flew by... I'm still trying to figure out where they went... 
To say that it is almost December, 2011 is a little weird. 
I am so excited to get things rolling for the holiday season! My Mary Kay business will take off with the amazing offers that I have going on. Just to give a little glimpse into my business... I sold make up over facebook just by mentioning to a friend about the amazing mascara we have... and once again the amazing deal of get $100 in free product from my Sales Director by sharing your facial with 3 people I don't know and who do not have a consultant. You will get your free product once I see 30 faces in a month. Cool huh? I will put up the whole spiel soon. :) Yes, super excited! 

The Griz are in full swing for the play offs. They had their buy week last week and this week end is their first play off game. Russ doesn't have marching band rehearsal any more, so his evenings are more free! He gets off work at 2 today, so it will be nice to have him home, and he doesn't have to go anywhere! :)

Well, that is all for today friends. Enjoy the rest of your day! 

Love & Blessings, 

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Good Sunday to you all! 
I don't really have a lot to say today.... I said a lot of it in my Black/Pink Friday post. Oh, yeah! The winner of my Pink Friday sale drawing is Beth Bennett! So, congrats to Miss Bennett! :-) Thanks to everyone who helped me out in the Pink Friday sale as well! My customers are fabulous! I have a new customer as well as a result of the sale, so thanks again! 
Yesterday Russ & I had lunch at the Montana Club with Ryan and my sister consultant Sharayah. She made fun of me for having my camera with me everywhere I go, so just for you Sharayah.... :)

I didn't do anything for school at all over the break.... and it was nice! That is what today is going to be for. I do have to say, as much as I never saw myself teaching anything but music, I am enjoying reading! You just never know where God will take you. Well, on that note, time to get ready for the day and get some work done! Have a great Sunday & what is left of the Thanksgiving break. 

Love & Blessings, 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Good morning, blogger world! 
This morning Russ made me breakfast in bed... cinnamon rolls & coffee. I talked to my uncle this morning about his hunting trip. We got a package from my parents this morning with our first Christmas ornament, a mini calendar & the new Jars of Clay cd. 
It's supposed to be turned the right way, but for some reason my lap top won't let me save it. Oh well, you get the idea. I'm so excited to hang it on our tree, that is at Wal-mart waiting for us to purchase it :-) That is all for today, just had to share that with you. 

Love & Blessings, 


Friday, November 25, 2011

Black... or should I say Pink Friday

Today was Black Friday... or in my Mary Kay Pink bubble... Pink Friday. For only being a consultant for almost 8 months... my Pink Friday sale didn't turn out too shabby. I had 5 people order from me amounting to over $150 in sales. I haven't gotten to the drawing yet, but even when that one lucky person gets their order for free, I will still have made over $100 in one day. Pretty successful if I do say so myself! 

Okay, now for Black Friday! I did not get up at the butt crack of dawn to go shopping. I went to Scrapbook Hideaway, Target, Starbucks (in Target) to enjoy a Peppermint Mocha & Shopko. I was able to get about $20 of scrapbooking supplies for about $12 with a 40% off discount. I purchased a few things for my Parents for Christmas and a few decorations from the $2.50 bin at Target. Russ & I went to Subway for supper, and he should me some ideas for Christmas at Sears... at pretty reasonable prices. So, we will see what he gets for Christmas this year :-)

Russ has the whole week end off! That hasn't happened in a while. Thankfully this week he has worked almost 31 hours... such a blessing! It's nice when there is enough money to pay the bills with a little room to breathe. 

Well, one thing that I got really excited about this week was cooking! Even though I feel like it is a pretty popular trend now a days, it is still exciting to me. :-) I cooked my first Thanksgiving Turkey... just a breast that is. :-) I had a conversation with my Mom about it and she recommended just doing a turkey breast due to time (since I decided to do it for a get together at a friend's house the day before) because it was less messy and doesn't take nearly as long. Suzie came over and helped me with a recipe from Betty Crocker online. We used melted butter, apple juice, paprika, thyme and garlic. I don't remember what the measurements were, but if you really want it, go online to Betty Crocker & find it... or ask Suzie. :-) It only took about 2 hours to cook, but it was pretty much a picture perfect turkey breast. My friend Katie Raffety has cooking blog that is becoming more and more famous every day about her cat, Butters and cooking and she would be proud :-) If you haven't read her blog... you need to, it is fabulous!! I want to try some of her recipes she posts. I also wonder how epic her Thanksgiving dinner was. So, Katie, if you are reading this.... and if you are taking requests for culinary topics to write about for your blog... please write about your Thanksgiving dinner! 
Here is a picture of the turkey breast! 

My sister in law was showing the picture off to my family in Glasgow at their Thanksgiving feast, since we couldn't be there. It was also a huge hit at the DeBray house hold, where we had our Thanksgiving feast. We also had mashed potatoes, crescent rolls, chips & artichoke dip, cherry, apple & pecan pie... let me quote Sid the Sloth on Ice Age by saying, "Yum-O!" And since we're on the topic of food....
How many of you have seen the movie Julie & Julia? Ever since we watched it we have wanted to learn how to make some of the recipes from the movie like bruschetta and hollandaise sauce. I found them online!! Here is the web site for them, Check it out!
Love & leftovers :-)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ready.... Break!

Okay, who is ready for Thanksgiving??? WE ARE!!! Turkey... mashed potatoes... cranberries... yuuuummmm :) What are your plans for Thanksgiving?? We are going to make a quick stop over at Russell's parents house and then head over to a friends house. It is going to be a fun busy day! We are SO excited! Today was the last day of work for me and I get 5 days off! Russ picked up a ten hour shift for tomorrow. He will also be working on Thanksgiving and the day after. That is okay though. It is still going to be a wonderful holiday!

I had a fantastic Mary Kay meeting tonight. I didn't have any guests, and it was a nice break. I had a really great training session with my wonderful sales director. She gave us consultants a great challenge where from now until December 20th, when you book a party with me and share it with 3 friends you will get $100 in free product when I see 30 faces by my dead line. I love this challenge, and I am so excited! I will be calling you very soon. AND if you don't hear from me, let me know and I WILL call you and share this information with you. BUT I only have 10 specials to offer. 
Tonight I also got a baby bee pin for attending 5 meetings in a row. I'm half way to getting a momma bee :-) Ask about the bee story with Mary Kay, it is amazing. I will more than likely blog about that sometime soon. My friend Sharayah is this weeks Queen of sales!! This girl is amazing! She is 18 years old and a full time Mary Kay Beauty Consultant... and a VERY successful one at that. She is one of my Inspirations. Sharayah, you go girl! Love ya! 

Well, we are ending the evening with pot pies and watching the movie Devil Wears Prada. Russ is doing a puzzle and I am blogging. The pot pies are almost done. Good night folks & God Bless! 


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cat Griz

Today is the famous Brawl of the Wild. Russ is in Bozeman with the Marching Band ready to represent UofM. This makes me miss marching band... not the freezing cold weather, but going to Fairmont Hot Spring after the game. :) 
I went to a craft fair this morning with my sister-in-law, Rachel. I bought a small Scentsy warmer, the kind that you can plug in to an out let, like a little night light. It's purple with white flowers. I put it in our bathroom, even though purple is not in the color scheme, it still looks good. :) I wish I could buy more of the scents, but I need to save our money for more important things. I just need to find all of my scents.
Today I have a birthday party to go to for a 1 year old! I'm so excited! I need to head over to Scrapbook Hideaway to make a card for him. He is the son of a co-worker of mine. The theme is Mickey Mouse, and they have awesome Disney stickers there. 
Well, off to make the card, and get a little gifty for the little guy too. Learning tree here I come! :-)


Thursday, November 17, 2011


It was a good day! My drive to school wasn't so good though. The roads were pretty slippery and it was snowing. I usually leave our place at 7:30 or 7:35 and get there before 8. I barely made it on time today. Whew! I do love the snow, but not when the roads get really nasty because of it. Then the way home was fine. I talked to my Mom today and she said that there is no snow back home. That's usually the opposite. 

I worked a couple hours at Scrapbook Hideaway for a few hours, came home and had dinner with my husband. We had ravioli. :) Russ doesn't work until the evening tomorrow so he said he will drive me to school tomorrow. I love it when he drives me to school. A little bit of time together before we begin our days. And.... THANK GOD TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!!

Well, that is all I have to say for the day. :-) Love Ya'll!! 


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Christmas Creation!

Here is the Christmas scrapbook that I made for my wonderful Grandma Pat. :-) I actually finished a Christmas present early! 


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving is coming!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am so excited! We can't go to my parent's house because Russ has to work, but what can you do. I would love to attempt... at least attempt.... to cook a turkey and have a Thanksgiving dinner for two. :) I never expected this, but I will be a last minute Thanksgiving shopper. The week of Thanksgiving is going to be wonderful because I have two days of work and we BOTH have the Wednesday before off. I mean we may not be doing a lot with family, but we are starting our own traditions. It's so exciting. :-)

During the month of November I have been working at Scrapbook Hideaway more than usual. It has been crazy, but so much fun! Patti and Ronda were hosting a retreat at the C'mon Inn this week end. While they were at retreat I was working!! :-) I worked there 12 hours over the 3 day week end, but I made a sizable dent in my pay check by buying card stock and other items. There are some beautiful Christmas papers that are more than the regular green and red. My favorite is the combination of blue & blown with lots of glitter. There are also other patterned paper with green and red, but they look really classy and vintage. Saturday was the craziest day though, it was just hectic... can't really pin anything specific... but it just had that kind of feeling about it. But, I kept going with my pages to get past the hectic feeling. I will post pictures of my scrapbook pages soon. Now time to do some Mary Kay and school work. 



Friday, November 11, 2011

3 day week end & Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day, and I would just to say a big thanks to all of the Service Men & Women today! To all of those who have served, are serving and will serve. My brother was a solider in the National Guard... My Grandpa Joe served in the army... and our good friend Rory is serving in the Navy. We are so thankful for those men and women who are apart of America's military forces. If it wasn't for them... we wouldn't have the freedom that we have today. It was a very nice today indeed. I worked at The Scrapbook Hide-Away tomorrow while Ronda and Patti were hosting a retreat at the C'mon Inn. That will be going on through the week end, so I will be there tomorrow as well. :-) 

Russ does not work tomorrow... which is so nice! Times are crazy and hectic more than they are easy going, but we are thankful for the days off that we have. He has to work on Thanksgiving though... we were hoping to make it home, but that's out of the question. Not that it's bad that we are staying in Missoula, we just looking forward to spending it with my family. Well, that will give us a chance to use all of our kitchen appliances to cook a turkey!! Whoa! :-) We shall see how that goes... and who we spend Thanksgiving with. :-)

This morning I had the chance to watch NFL Not Top 10 with Suzie. It was so funny! I loved it, short, sweet & to the point. I was able to have coffee while doing my make up for the day, and it was so much fun spending time with Suzie. She comes over for dinner & football every Sunday and it is so much fun! Our apartment is becoming quite the little abode. We still don't have everything organized... and we are living on banana chairs for furniture... but it's our home, and we have welcomed many people... and will always welcome friends and family were ever we go. But, our goal is to safe up money for a 7 foot couch... turn our guestroom/office into our Griz room. We have a Griz clock and fleece through... my GMB plaque is hanging up and Russ's be hanging up soon. I'm hoping to have all of that soon... no... we WILL have all of that soon! 

While I have been writing this post I have been going back and forth from here to facebook... and watching Julie & Julia... and now the movie is almost over. Maybe time to call this Friday night d-o-n-e done! Good night Missoula... and all surrounding/distant areas who might be reading this. Love you all, God Bless!! 


Friday, November 4, 2011


So here is the journal I "renovated" & the brownies that Russ made. Yup, a creation right out of the box! :-P

The Front of the Journal 
The Back

The Brownies :-)

I noticed on Wayne's facebook page that he mentioned that his finger was cut up from taking care of his loot from his hunting trip. I sent him a text message to see if he could still text... ha ha ha! ;) His phone was dying so he told me that I should call him on his land line. So he did and eventually the conversation led to brownies. I told him that Russ & I were watching MASH and baking brownies. He asked me if I was using nuts and I told him how I don't like nuts in brownies because brownies shouldn't crunch. Any way, so I had a brownie and I posted that picture that you see above on facebook and tagged Wayne. The caption said described the perfectly good brownie... with out nuts! You can agree to disagree... but brownies should not crunch and therefore not have nuts! Any whoo... that is my spiel and I'm sticking to it!! Good night folks!


Finally joined Twitter... sigh... 
I had a twitter account for my college tech class... but I never really used it. I know it's going to be something that I will just use to waste my time... but ya know, it's still fun. :-) I have been writing in my journal more. I will post a pic of my "renovated" composition notebook that I use for my journal. :-) 

I am so glad it is FRIDAY! This week was a rough week, but I made it! I'm looking forward to scrapbooking tomorrow at Scrapbook Hideaway tomorrow after the Community Band dress rehearsal. I have been back in Cricut mode lately and I'm loving it! I have been working on our wedding album lately. I also have several small projects... but what scrap-o-hollic isn't multitasking with their projects? Russ is at marching band rehearsal and I can't wait for him to come home! He was home earlier today, but that was long enough to say hi, bye, kiss and out the door. Sigh.... I wonder what we are having for dinner tonight... I am watching Diners Drive Ins & Dives on the Food Network and the host is at a fabulous pizza parlor. Yum... pizza... I have a recipe from my Mom for wheat pizza crust... but I lost it... Oh well, we will figure it out. :) We love watching food network, but we have never really explored cooking. We have plenty of appliances to make lots of great meals, so I guess we will have to start, eh? Since our budget is so incredibly tight right now, we are having to plan every day in 2 week blocks. But, it was a lot of fun! Yesterday we went grocery shopping after we planned out our meals. 

Tomorrow morning is the dress rehearsal for the Missoula Community Concert Band. I am so excited for the concert! John Combs is fantastic, and it has been an honor to be in an ensemble under his direction. In the spring it will be... Kevin Griggs! I'm looking forward to that too! 

Russ & I have decided that Wednesday nights are our fun/date nights. This doesn't mean that we are going to go out every Wednesday, but just that Wednesday is our night to spend with each other. Russ usually has Wednesdays off, and that is the first night of the week where I am not busy with a rehearsal or a Mary Kay meeting. Last night before we went to bed we watched a few episodes of M*A*S*H and had some cherry toasters strudel. It was a lot of fun and a great way to relax at the end of the day.

Well, let's see what is in the kitchen for dinner. I will put some pics up of some of my creations in my next post. 


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Puzzles and Scrapbooks

Hi all! 
So, if you don't this already, Russell's favorite hobby is putting together puzzles, and mine is scrapbooking. Russ just finished a puzzle of the Sydney Opera House, and now is working on a photomosaic puzzle of a butterfly. I am working on a scrapbook of our wedding photos. I just looked at my stack of scrapbooks and it brought back a lot of great memories :) So, here is one of my many favorite scrapbook 2 page spread & the puzzle that Russ & I finished: 


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hello from the Johnsons!

Not quite your normal day in the Johnson household. I am battling a cold. I normal cycle for a first year teacher. Russ is taking care of me & spoiling me as always. :) I had the pleasure of having him drive me to work since it was his day off today. Today was the first in my book for being full of ups and downs. It was so nice to see him right away when he picked me up from school. 

We are really enjoying life though. :) Now we are just spending time at our cozy little apartment. Russ is working on a jig saw puzzle of the Sydney Opera House & Extreme Make Over Home Edition on the TV. I'm liking CMT more and more because they show EMOHE quite a bit. Every episode is so moving. It really hits home and makes me realize how fortunate we are. If you haven't watched an episode... you are missing out! You need to watch just one, and you will be hooked! 
Go watch one, it's on CMT right now! ;)

Look out side at the beautiful fall colors! Sometimes we can get caught up in the stress of everyday life... okay we get caught up in the stress a LOT. Look out side and see the beautiful fall colors and it will make you feel better. I was thinking about everything I had to do and I just took a quick look at the trees with all of the yellow, orange and red. My flute teacher told us to look at a tree once and I thought it was silly. But it really works. Take just one quick look before the colors are gone. :) Enjoy them while they are still here. Love you all, have a great fall day!!!!!  

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Happy Saturday, Friends! 
It's kind of a gloomy day in Missoula. There is a Griz game today, but the weather doesn't seem like it would be that enjoyable... unless you are a die hard Griz fan. While Russ is in the Marching Band, I am at the Scrapbook Hideaway. :)

I slept in a little bit before I had to go to work today. Russ left at about 8:30 and I didn't get out of bed until 9:15 or so. I rushed to get ready in hopes to get coffee at one of the Starbucks drive throughs. Of course, when I was approaching the location, the line was extremely long. Surprise, surprise. So, I went to Target so I could grab lunch and get coffee all in one stop. I ran into two people who I haven't talked to in a while. I wish I would have been able to visit with them more, but this was about 5 minutes before I had to be at the store. I did get here just in time though, with about 2 minutes to spare! :) Thankfully it has been slow and quiet today. I was able to enjoy my pumpkin spice late and make a few fall and Christmas cards. It is nice to have a little peace and quiet after a full week at school. 

In my last post I mentioned my list of three things to do.. well... I didn't do either. Sigh. I did listen to a conference call about how important it is to do my ten calls for my Mary Kay business and how you can make up the time, but you can't make up for what could have resulted from those ten phone calls. I was inspired... but I didn't do any of my phone calls. My loss. Yesterday, I did make my phone calls and a lot came from it! I made an excellent sale and 2 more bookings to add to my two from Tuesday. I finally have a Pro Pay Account, so I can take card transactions & have product shipped to my customers. My results from yesterday were very inspiring as well. :) 

Today after I get off work, and after the game, we're going to dinner and a movie with Dustin & Melissa Swalla! I am so excited! We haven't really spent any time with them since the wedding. I feel like having dinner at the Mustard Seed. Yum!! We're in for a good day for sure! I hope you have a good day as well and that you are enjoying the beautiful fall season! 

Much love, 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What to do...

Don't mind the silly title, I just wanted to write something today. Today, I will be writing something... and it will be about nothing. :-) It's amazing how much of our time is spent doing nothing. I should be doing my phone calls for Mary Kay... but I'm not... I should be looking at my lesson materials for tomorrow... but I'm not... I should be tackling the guest room & getting it together... but I'm not... okay... so this is really depressing. I hate it when motivation is lacking. :( Well, I guess now that I am depressed about what I am not doing... I'm going to do something on my list of 3. Thanks! Good day!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Middle of the Week

Such a nice Wednesday afternoon! I left school earlier than I normally do. Usually I stay after until about 1 or so, but today I left shortly after noon. I got home and had some left over Chicken Osaka while watching Remember the Titans. I'm relaxing for a little bit before I take a tuba to Music Medics and pay my cell bill. The rest of the day is free to spend time with Russ until Marching Band at 4. Maybe we could tackle the guest room/office?? Maybe... We are also hoping to get a couch next month... but sadly it's not looking that is going to happen. :( But who knows, we have half of the money saved up, so we will see what happens. :)

I just have to say that I am really enjoying this whole blogging thing. I don't know how many people read this, but it's just fun! It's a trend for sure. 

Next week is a short week, Monday-Wednesday and then it's off to music convention in Billings! I rarely go to Billings... let alone drive there... and my hotel a long ways away from the high school were the convention is taking place. So... this should be fun! I am so excited to see my friends who are music teachers all over the state the music teachers from Columbia Falls, where I student taught. It will be a fun trip out of town. On Saturday after convention, I have the Fall Advance for my Mary Kay unit. I'm really looking forward to that as well. Business is going alright... I'm not making very much right now, but I do have a lot of bookings. Ultimately, bookings are more important than sales. My sister-in-law hosted a party last night, and we all had so much fun! I met some of her amazing friends and they were so much fun to work with. I wasn't too fond of pink when I started in Mary Kay, but now I am. It is also way more than just a color, to me it stands for the company and all of the great things that happen through the company. 

I also cannot wait to start my car qualifications for Mary Kay! I'm a long ways away, but so much can happen in a short period of time. My goal is to have a pearly white Chevy Malibu, complements of Mary Kay, by March 8th (My birthday). Right now I am going through a series of steps to help grow my business to get to that point. I have earned many pieces of jewelry... a business card case... free product... and more jewelry to come! But, more importantly... I love meeting new people and making new friends! Having my own Mary Kay business is so rewarding in so many ways! 

School is going great as well. I love both of my jobs. :) This Saturday I will be working at the Scrapbook Hideaway! Come in and see me if you are that end of Reserve! 

Have a great rest of your day, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall weather! :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Christmas Card!

Football, Lesson plans, Starbucks & Scrapbooking

I love Sundays... 
We didn't make it to connections group or church. We decided to sleep in, because it was a long crazy week for the both of us. We did a little shopping this afternoon, which was a lot fun... and Russ had fun too! :-)
The Steelers won today!! They beat Tennessee 38 17! The Packers play tonight and Suzie will be over to watch the game. Yes... a Packers fan and a Steelers fan are existing in peace after the Super Bowl last year. :-)

I am going to do some lesson plans and finish correcting some tests today. Once I am done with that I am going to scrapbook! The topic of many of the posts on this blog. Well, it is going to be a good day! Enjoy your fall Sunday! 


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Love October...

What a wonderful October afternoon! The leaves are green, yellow, orange and red... it's so beautiful!! I love fall because of the colors! I also enjoyed a pumpkin spic late today after my Mary Kay skin care class. Unfortunately Russ left for work at 4:30 as I was in Starbucks ordering my coffee. We did spend the morning together though. He made cinnamon rolls and coffee. It was the first time in a while that we got to sleep in. It was so nice. It was great day! 

He is still at work and I am relaxing in our living room, watching MASH and making a calendar for the 2012. I love Shutterfly for this reason. You can make so many things on there that make for great gifts. My mom wants a photo book of our wedding. Just wait for Christmas, Mom! :-)

I had a very good day in my Mary Kay business. I'm working on getting my first free car... a pearly white Chevy Malibu... 
My goal is to have it on March 8th, my birthday :-) What an amazing birthday gift, huh? I'm loving both of my jobs. :-) Russ, sadly, has been losing hours each week. My goal is to pick up the pace in Mary Kay and make enough to supplement what hours he has lost at his job. It is completely do able. 

We have started a tradition that on Sundays we watch football and our friend Suzie comes over to watch with us. We have dinner, she does home work and I work on lesson plans. Russ... well, he mainly watches football... and or fixes dinner while Suzie and I work on school stuff. :) It is so much fun and productive at the same time. We also get to hang out with Suzie. It's great!! We love having people over for dinner and such. We are hoping to save enough money to get a couch that will add a lot to our living room. We found a 7 foot couch at the Living Room Furniture store for only $550. That may seem like a lot, but it will last a long time. AND to find a couch that is that long, where Russ can lay down with room to spare... that is a pretty good deal to me. Until then we have banana chairs and card tables. :)

Well, connections group & church tomorrow. First half of the week end was great, and I know the second half will be great too. For now, goodbye and God Bless! 

Mr. & Mrs. Johnson 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Post

(Russ is not into blogging like I am... hard to believe I know... :P)
Just saying hello :-) I love posting on two blogs... to any of you who are reading. :) Thanks for reading my ramblings :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Married Life

Hello all!!
Well, almost 2 months into married life, and we are both loving it! Russ is busy working and doing marching band. I am busy working, working my Mary Kay business and working at Scrapbook Hide Away from time to time.

Our wedding was FANTASTIC! We will post pictures up soon, but not as much as on facebook :-)

Our apartment is slowly coming together and feeling more like home each day. We are enjoying cooking, baking and looking for new ways to organize our happy little home. :-) Thanks to those of you who read this and for keeping up with us. :-) Now I am off to get some rest and to try and recover from my little cold that I caught over the beginning of the week. Time to grade some tests and prepare to finish the rest of the week.

U of M homecoming is this week end and we are so excited! Russ will be marching in the parade & I will be a spectator for the first time. :-) Uncle Wayne is coming from Libby for the week end, and I will be joining him for some homecoming festivities. Can't wait! Have a great week, more to come!



Friday, June 17, 2011

Mini Moon & Honey Moon

For our mini moon, until we can afford our honey moon, we're going to Glacier Park.

For our honey moon, we're hoping for Rome, Italy! We want to go in April, so we have 10 months to save about $6,500! Yikes!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Our Address

Here is our new address... effective July 5th, 2011

Russell & Jenna Johnson
3110 Washburn St. 
Missoula, MT 59801